It's so nice to meet you! 

I write books for one who feels alone, lost, and maybe a little crazy. I write epic, original stories full of heart, grit, and Christ. My goal is to write stories for those feel unseen so they can experience the power of the Gospel. I write books for those who could never see themselves as a hero, but strive for it anyways. 

 I have a passion for inspiring people to find courage in Christ and stand for their convictions. So, be warned if you stick around long enough you may begin to speak up for your beliefs. 

I am a Christian before I am an author because He is the one who gave me the words to write originally. I am the founder of the social movement #protectcleanfiction which you can find at, author of The Halcyon Epics, and Pro-Life activist.  

Currently, I am studying English in college, am a bibliophile, connoisseur of tea, and lover of dogs. Sometimes, I get the crazy idea to learn a new langue to add my three. 

Battle on Warriors of Heaven!